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您现在的位置:大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司首页 > 产品中心 > 通用变频器ACS355-03E-03A3-4
2025年03月20日 星期四


  • 通用变频器ACS355-03E-03A3-4

  • 更新时间:2025-03-20
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    牛工 先生(销售经理

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6SL3054-0EH01-1BA0   1

TAM5742-8JD40-0FA0   1

4AM5742-8JD40-0FA0   1

3BHB009884R5211      1个

3BHE037864R0104      1个   

1TGE106321E6630      1个   

3BSE013234R1      1个


6ES7 516-3AN01-0AB0,1台

VBF01GE   7

6ES7 315-6FF04-0AB0  1

IC694PWR330CA   1

IC695CPK330CA   1

937CU-AISTR-DC1 1 面价10099

889D-R4LC-20 1 查不到面价

6AV7880-0AA22-1BA2 1

1SFN165425R1080   2

HARS700/050P   1

2CMA163257R1000  1 

2CMA163257R1000  1 

2CMA166460R1000  1 

2CMA166494R1000  1 

2CMA166538R1000  1 

2CMA166538R1000  1 

2CMA163257R1000  1 

20F11RC015AA0NNNNN     16716  1个

6AG1513-1AL00-2AB0  1

6AG1531-7KF00-7AB0  1

6ES7954-8LC02-0aa0  1

6AG1647-0AD11-2AX0  1

6AV2124-0JC01-0AX  1

6AG1231-4HD30-2XB0  1

6AG1223-1PL30-2XB0  1

3RF2320-1AA04  1

3RT1056-6AP36  1

3RT1046-1AL20  1

3VL3725-1EM46-0AA0  1

5SY6202-7  1

5ST301AS  1

lco 36X041 Switching Power Supply J15-5 J155

Elba Euro Power Regulated Power Supply ESPMB45812/X/DGD/IIESPMB45812XDGDII

EL.GE Power Supply Azionamento AZE-P1

Eitel Presses Semi Automatic Straightener Model SRP160 Install Operate Maint.

EGS Transformer HS5F5ASPrimary Volts 240 x 480Secondary Volts 120/24060Hz

EGG Quality Measurment Systems 400 4OO 105/115V 210/230V

EGG Quality Measurment Systems 400 4OO 105/115V 210/230V

EFI Light Curtain Control MA5100V277 VAC50/60 HzMN MBM 277 EFI

EFI Light Curtain Control MA5100V277 VAC50/60 HzMN MBM 277 EFI

EFI Electronics Corp Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor MBM 277 EFI8270-1006C

EFI Electronics Corp Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor MBM 277 EFI8270-1006C

Efector Pressure Sensor PB5322 PB-100PSBU76-HFPKG/US/


Efector Inductive Proximity Switch IG0309 IGO3O9 IGA2008-ABOA/SL/LS-300BL

Efector Flow Meter SI1006 SI1OO6 SID10ADBFKOW/L

EFD 1500 D EPOXY FLUID DISPENSER 1500D 100/120/220 VAC

EDM Mann Filter H 15 190/16H1519016H 15 19O/16H1519O1667 830 57 972

ECD Ovonics SYNCH Generator 60 Hz 25MW1-688-000 25MW1688000

ECD Ovonics SYNCH Generator 60 Hz 25MW1-688-000 25MW1688000

EBM Fan W2S130-AA25-01W2S13O-AA25-O1W2S130AA2501115 V~ 50/60 Hz 40 W

EBM Fan W2S130-AA25-01W2S13O-AA25-O1W2S130AA2501115 V~ 50/60 Hz 40 W

Ebbert Engineering LOAD SENTINAL 2100-40  210040

Eaton Char-Lynn Hydraulic Motor 101 1030 00710110300071O1 1O3O OO71O11O3OOO7

Eaton Char-Lynn Hydraulic Motor 101 1030 00710110300071O1 1O3O OO71O11O3OOO7

EATON AC DRIVE AF-160202-0480 15 26 0480 15260480

Eastern Electronics Board 0-5232-B C107-527 5271 5273

Eastern Electronics Board 0-5232-B C107-527 5271 5273

Eagle Signal HZ172A601 Counter 0-40 Second Timer HZ17050

Eagle Signal HZ172A601 Counter 0-40 Second Timer HZ17050

Eagle Signal HP515A6 Cycl-Flex 0-10 Seconds Timer

Eagle Signal 60 Second Timer 3054023 3O54O23

Eagle Signal 40 Second Timer 3054023 3O54O23

Eagle Picher ball screw WO19616 Axis Ballscrew W019616

E114072 9739 LG1 LG Semicon 8MB EDO SIMM Memory Stick Circuit Board Card

E.W. EW Bliss Company Press Owner's Manual Safety Precautions Suggestions

Dynisco Transducer Pressure Switch PT160-3M-H3 

Dynics Display Module IC15 LFGQ6T1W2F14NICIC15LFGQ6T1W2F14NIC

Dyne Systems Co. Digital Throttle Control DTC-1DTC1Input 120 VAC/2 Amps

Dynatec Battery Energy Indicator DVT-R30DVT-R3ODVTR30DVTR3O 

Dynatec Battery Energy Indicator DVT-R30DVT-R3ODVTR30DVTR3O 

Dynapath Transducer I/F 4202014 A4202014A42O2O14 A42O2O14AT4201993A

Dynapath Systems CNC Delta 20-MU20MU2O-MU11180XA4202103BT4202103A

Dynapath Sumtak Optcoder EnCoder MGZ-108-S4 MGZ-10B-S4

Dynapath Servo Output I/F-AXIS 4201299 B4201299B42O1299BT4201091 BT4201091B

Dynapath S10 Utility 2 Modular Power Supply 4200588E 42OO588E

DynaPath S10 Processor 2 4200574D 42OO574D 4200574 D 42OO574 D

Dynapath S10 Pic III Processor CRM 4200678 G 4200678G 42OO678G

DynaPath S10 Perpheral Control 2 3 4200547G 42OO547G 4200547 G 42OO547 G

Dynapath S10 Indicator 2 Modular Power Supply 4200591 42OO591

DynaPath S10 Backplane-Modular 3739643M 3739643 M

Dynapath PIC Circuit Board PCB T4201088 D T4201088D T42O1O88 4201705

Dynapath PIC Circuit Board 4201087 G4201087G42O1O87GT4201088T42O1O88 

Dynapath MDI DC Interface 24 IN / 8 Out 3738407 E3738407E37384O7E

Dynapath Graphics Controller 4201078 B4201078B42O1O78 B42O1O78BT4201079B

Dynapath Delta 20 Transducer I/F Board 4202014 4202014A

Dynapath Delta 20 Graphics Controller Board 4201078 D

Dynapath Delta 20 12 MHZ DELTA PROCESSOR 4202731 0370

Dynapath DC I/O Interface 4201084 G4201084G42O1O84 G42O1O84GT4201085C

Dynapath Datametrics Optcoder Encoder S-9705A-500

Dynapath CNC Display Monitor Delta 40-M040M04O-MO4OMO115 Volts50/50 HZ

DynaPath CNC 10M Control Circuit Board 4202357 4202259

DynaPath CNC 10M Control Circuit Board 4202204 420 2204

DynaPath CNC 10M Control Circuit Board 4201755 420 1755

Dynapath Circuit Board Transducer I/F T4201094 B T4201094B T42O1O94B

Dynapath Circuit Board Graphics Controller T4201079 BT4201079BT42O1O79 BR/R

Dynapath Circuit Board Auxillary Control 2B T4201709 A T4201709A T42O17O9 A

Dynapath Circuit Board 4201274 B4201274B4201274 84201274842O1274B42O12748

Dynapath 10M Control DELTA 10-MUDELTA 10MUDELTA 1O-MUDELTA1OMU115V1 Phase

DynaPath 10M CNC Control Circuit Board 4202102 420 2102

DynaPath 10M CNC Control Circuit Board 4201956 420 1956

DynaPath 10M CNC Control Circuit Board 4201090 420 1090

Dynamics Encoder 77-01-50M770150M-77-O1-5OM77O15OM

Dwyer Photohelic Gage Gauge Mercury W891102SN1 4 Max pressure 25 psig 160136-00

Dwyer Photohelic Gage Gauge for Water 3000-50mm Max pressure 25 psig 

Dwyer Photohelic Gage Gauge for Water 3000-50mm Max pressure 25 psig 

Dumore Drill Press 8323 37-021 37021 120 V 5 Amp 50/60 Hz 1000-16000 RPM

Dumore Drill Press 8323 37-021 37021 120 V 5 Amp 50/60 Hz 1000-16000 RPM

DUFF NORTON 440959 4 0 L3209 U Hi Speed ROTARY UNION 35 6175 High

Ducter Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter DLRO 10 DLRO10


DT20L ball screw Dual Turn DT 20 Z Axis Ballscrew

DSM Keyboard Circuit Board PCB CET 324-S 071 080 CET324S071080

DSM Keyboard Circuit Board PCB CET 324-S 071 080 CET324S071080

DSM Circuit Board PCB VCB 2 VCB2 V1.1 L8411

DSM Circuit Board PCB R-OUT316 ROUT316

DSM Circuit Board PCB ISI 2.1/P-854306 ISI21P854306

DSM Circuit Board PCB IO-1.0 IO10 8303 OPTO IO-S 070 771

DSM Circuit Board PCB ECM-B ECMB 8307

DSM Circuit Board PCB CVI 3.0 CVI30 P-855120 CVI-3-S 090 196

DSM Circuit Board PCB CVI 2 CVI2 8307

DSM Circuit Board PCB CMP 1.0 CMP10 8301 CMP 1.0-S 070 999

DSM Circuit Board PCB CBV 1.0 CBV10 S 1033007

DSM Circuit Board PCB AD/CT 8303 ADCT8303 AD/CT 83O3 ADCT83O3

DSM Circuit Board Drive MBP-2 S 70748/6 MBP2S707486

DSG 56-L Motor Servo DSG56L 952 36565 1F 3.8 KW 254859/4-075-03-0219

DSG 56-L Motor Servo DSG56L 952 36565 1F 3.8 KW 254859/4-075-03-0219

Driver Receiver OSP EIO E I O Card Board E0241-653-028C


Dover Flexo Electronics True Tension Indicator TI17B TII7B

Dover Flexo Electronics True Tension Indicator TI17B TII7B

Dougherty Industries Auto Code Software for Autocad Reference Manual 1994

Double A Hydraulic Valve QM-06-C-10F 1-BHL-L QM06C10F1BHLL Parker D3W4C56VY 14

DornLir Motor 33E161W427 1/4 HP 115/230 V 60 Hz

Dongan Transformer Transformer 50 3000 053 3.0 KVA

Dongan Transformer Single Phase 80-1035 1.0 KVA

Donaldson Torit Air Filter P191023-016-340P191023016340P191O23-O16-34O

Donaldson Torit Air Filter P191023-016-340P191023016340P191O23-O16-34O

Donaldson Torit Air Filter P191023-016-340 P191023016340 inside dented

Donaldson Panel Filter P511384-016-140 P511384016140 P511384-O16-14O

Donaldson Dryflo Mist Collector DMC-A DMCA 3 Phase 6 Cycle 208-230-460 V

Dolan Jenner Light Curtain 001113601111 Safe Scan 9

Dojen Speed Reducer by Mectrol Corp M03 MO3 121 Ratio

Dodge Taper Lock Bushing 2 -1/83020 X 2-1/8 KW1171203020X21/8

Dodge Taper Lock Bushing 2 -1/83020 X 2-1/8 KW1171203020X21/8

Dodge 079163-98-AM APG Size 56-D-M-1-A-1-25.6-A1 MS5922T JJ 07916398AM

DoAll V-16 Vertical Contour Sawing Saw Filing Manual 

DoAll V-16 Vertical Contour Sawing Saw Filing Manual 

DoAll 3000 Series Band Saw ZS-3620 ZV-3620 ZW-3620 Machine Instruction Manual

DoAll 2013-10 Band Sawing Machine Parts Manual Diagrams Included 201310 

DoAll 2013-1 2013-10 Contour Sawing Instruction Manual 20131 201310 PB-219

DoAll 2012-2A Band Saw Bandsaw Instruction Manual 071-477939 40 1982

DoAll 20 Contour Band Saw Bandsaw DC Drive Airpowered Table Information Manual

Dixon Boss 0-100 PSI Gauge Gage GL310 GL 310

Dixon Boss 0-100 PSI Gauge Gage GL310 GL 310

Diversfied Technology Circuit Board CBC032/24TL Rev DCBC03224TL195-2013E-2

Dista View Control Bubbler LA4A-AM1-BS4-CS8-DM6-T212




Digital Timer MDP-PRN659C MDPPRN659C

Digital Timer MDP-PRN659C MDPPRN659C

Digital Techniques Tool Sense Machine Monitor Probe 

Digital Techniques Dataqume / 8A Data Accumulator 761

Digital Equipment Corp DL11-W Serial Line Unit Real-Time Clock Operator's Manual

Digital Circuit Board PCB Type 1 94VO AB94545877

Digital Circuit Board PCB AB94257383

Digital Circuit Board 5011545F-P55011545FP55O11545F-P55O11545FP5 

Digiplan Stepping Motor Drive CD-35M CD35M1317.02060 Amp. Max.600 VAC3 Pole

Digimax Powertec Control Panel 620005-011620005011115 Volts.375 Amps

DGD Power Supply NT 1.0 NT10 1.O NT1O

DGD Power Supply BLS1-2 BLS12 BLS-L Rev 1.0 960601 96O6O1

DGD Operator Panel S 104017 S104017 S-104017 T 24 2.1

DGD Nutrunner with Transducer BL105A13M5D BL1O5A13M5D 924082d-c A

DGD Nutrunner with Transducer BL105A13M5D BL1O5A13M5D 924082a-c B

DGD Nutrunner with Transducer BL105A13M5D BL1O5A13M5D 9240821-X D

DGD Nutrunner with Transducer BL1050E13 BL1O5OE13 9240820Z 

DGD Nutrunner with Transducer 1B050A 1BO5OA 1ZA 1K2A 1BA 926627d-x E

DGD Nutrunner with Transducer 1B050A 1BO5OA 1ZA 1K2A 1BA 926627d-b F

DGD Gardner Denver Cooper Power Tools Servo Control BLS1-2 BLS12 Rev 1.1 BLS-L

DGD Gardner Denver Controller Drive SMK 3.0FSMK30FSMK 2.0 Rev 2S112602

DGD Electric Motor / Nutrunner Motor 3 BA 9272573BA927257

DGD Electric Motor / Nutrunner Motor 3 BA 9272573BA927257

DGD Dresser ITD 572243A SEC-5-0 SEC50 SEC-5-O SEC5O

DGD Cooper Power Tools Assembly System S-Contr. S112470 S11247O

DGD Cooper DC Brushless Motor / Nutrunner Motor 1BA 927255 1BA927255

DGD Cooper DC Brushless Motor / Nutrunner Motor 1BA 927255 1BA927255

DGD Cooper Circuit Board PCB Drive BI2 S104432 BI2S104432

DGD Cooper Circuit Board PCB Drive BI2 S104432 BI2S104432

DGD Cooper Circuit Board Drive PCB IBP 1.1 S090801 IBP11S090801

DGD Circuit Board SMK 2.0F SMK 2.0 Rev 2 LS





  • 联系人: 牛工 先生
  • 位: 销售经理
  • 机: 13695019872
  • 资质公示 大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 湖里区金钟路11号1301室之二
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色